SEO for Boost Google Rankings In 2018 powered by SA Websoft

Now that you are done with developing your website, whats next? Next is catching Google’s ranking, which is quite tough. Make sure you read this article carefully so that you can understand the basics of getting into Google’s ranking race.

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At SA Websoft, we have got many online shop owners who succeeded their online business, but there are some, who failed to make the most out of Google. With every project, we analyze and track down the factors that boosted one’s online presence. We also keep track of those who failed to perform in Search engines. Hence, in this article, we are presenting some necessary basic steps that need to follow to achieve Google rankings. If you have missed any of them, this is the chance you can improve your website’s Google rankings. If those are too technical for you, Solwin Infotech is here to help you.

SEO is a gradual process and may take up to months or years to get you good results. So do not panic, if you are not getting results quickly. Keep doing and you will see the results.

Lets Go Through The List Now:

1. Well Designed Website:
It is very important to have clean and attractively designed website to get attention of your audience. Who does not like to get into the coolest showroom with best flooring lights and decorative walls? Same is the case with an online store, let your audience at least bring to your desktop website with its awesome look.

2. Mobile Responsive:
With recent Google update (mobile-first indexing), the big giant has made it clear that there is no room for websites which are not mobile-optimized. If you have not paid attention to your mobile responsive feature, its high time to ask your developer about it. We at Solwin Infotech offer mobile responsive designs and themes.SA Websoftgives Priority in responsive design.

3. The Title, And Meta Description Tags:
Yes, That’s True. Google still uses meta descriptions quite frequently. The title and meta description tags help the search engines to understand what the page is about and index them accordingly relevant keywords. Try to improve your click-through rates (CTR) with better title and meta descriptions tags. It is the first thing visitor will check about your website in SERPs. There are thirty percent chances increases with the perfect snippet.

4. Onpage Optimization:
Ensure that you have listed the targeted keywords. Check its competition and impact on your website. You can check the keywords in Google Analytics here: Acquisition > Search Console > Queries.Make a list of top ranked keywords and if you don’t know how to connect analytics and webmasters visit google webmaster. Check if your product images have Alt tags and other meta data.

5. Primary, Secondary And Related Keywords:
Do keyword research to discover the words and phrases that searchers use to find the problems you are working to solve. And figure out primary, secondary and a set of related keywords of the searchers intent. Put them in your pages text content. Google will semantically connect those related keywords with the searcher’s query.

6. Sitemap:
Sitemap is a crucial element to connect with Google’s algorithm. It is a file where you have to list all the web pages of your website. With the help of sitemap, you can tell Google and other search engines about organization and structure of your website. Submit the sitemap file in Google webmaster and monitor the index level.

7. Google Business:
Local SEO is very important from small to large sized business. Register your business in Google maps and help customers locate in your city. Operational hours, services offered and other business details should need to update. Boost your local marketing efforts to step up the international market. At Solwin Infotech, we can assist you in registering your business on the map.

8. Content Management:
Content still rules the list of Google ranking factors. Unique content with SEO optimized keywords will enhance your rankings. Remove duplicate content and improve quality of content on your website. If you own e-commerce website, try to write unique description for each product. Our content writer team can help you with this task.

9. Social Media Networks:
How can we miss this channel of getting traffic. Establish yourself on all social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.. Post content using hashtags(#), polls and competitions. The more followers and fans you have on your social media, the more brand awareness you will have. Hire social media marketing experts for getting your business on social media with right strategies.

10. Backlinks:
Internal linking, external linking play an important role in boosting your rankings. Use appropriate keyword enrich anchor text to give you more and more backlinks. Don’t give up your backlinking strategy as you won’t see any instant results. There are lots of submission websites, you can submit your website using your targeted keywords and gain backlinks as much as you can. Remember overdoing may lead to Spamming. Google may penalize you for this. Our SEO experts is skilled at generating backlinks without getting penalized. Watch this video for an overview of backlinks and its types.

11. Schema:
Schema markup is microcode (semantic vocabulary) that is to be implemented on your website to help the search engines return more informative results for users. If you want to know in detail about this structured data, visit the central home

Make it secure with HTTPS. With secure HTTPS version of the protocol, your data is protected by encryption, data integrity, and authentication. Google has officially announced it as a ranking signal since 2014. As it was given less importance and said to be “lightweight signal”, Google admits it has become stronger overtime now.
SA Websoft can do HTTPS/RSS for your website.


  1. I haven't ever felt totally content with yoast’s interface. It keeps giving me dings for “errors” that are non-applicable. Currently checking out the INK for ALL text editor. Only a positive experience thus far


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